Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts

Monday, February 08, 2010

Today Log

  • 12:19 at campus, setting new workspace.
  • 12:40 RT: @MrVop: โอ Chrome ใช้กะ ได้แล้ว << It's time to change from Firefox to Chrome, then ^^
  • 13:59 back up files CM-->Acer
  • 14:48 in HW Lab, setting IBM PS2 (very old) machines to be ready
  • 22:11 Lab 1 Done at 10pm. one group could not make their machine boot up. I did fix it. -_-".

    Thursday, March 06, 2008

    [Hardware] Remote Sensor

    Remote Sensor + USB interface


    RemoteSensor is a more advanced example for using Objective Development's firmware-only USB driver for Atmel's AVR microcontrollers (AVR-USB).

    RemoteSensor is a wireless thermo- and hygrometer with an USB port on the receiver. You can draw fancy diagrams of temperature and humidity for up to 16 wireless sensors.

    RemoteSensor is a more advanced example because it utilizes an interrupt endpoint to indicate to the host when new data arrived, demonstrating how AVR-USB handles a second endpoint. The receiver part is basically a serial to USB converter with special processing for the wireless protocol such as data integrity checks and data block buffering.

    From Objective Development