Thursday, January 27, 2005

Progress 1/27/05

+ update drafted paper
The paper has been revised in section 1-4.
- The symbiotic behavior names have been changed (fig 3,4)
- Healthy level table has been added in the platform attributes section
- I rewrite the section 4: symbiotic network.
- I also added the related work section in the drafted paper (section 6)
* The simulation part need to be added soon. I am waiting for simulator

Monday, January 24, 2005

Progress 17-23 Jan 05

+ Model platforms as biological entities
- Platforms are deployed to nodes (hosts) by using deploy file ( The pf file also contains platform attributes. (initiate energy, node)
- Platforms can replicate, death
- The graphic result when simulator working is showed.
- The result of platforms after simulation is showed. (#platform alive/death, generation, energy, #replication, birth time, life time, etc. )

I will do:
+ Simulator Programming
- Add healthy level to host (node)
- Show some result that can be used in the sci05 paper.
+ Yan's document comment
+ Paper sci05
- revise section 4 (Symbiotic network)
- layout simulation section
+ Prepare for related work present on Friday

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Progress 1/23/05

DOne: 03.00am
+ Platform V0.5
(with No Error)
Platform can deploy, replicate, dorespiration and death

Task (Todo Next)
+ Add Platform panel to show Platform output + graph
+ Add Result Panel to show expected result
+ Add healthy level and healthy level table
+ Add Symbiotic behavior
+ checked box to set options

Date 1/23/05
Done: Show the result of Platforms

Simulator Modified Lists:
+ Changed About Dialoge to show version 4.5 Symbisis NetSphere ;)
+ Added PlatformPanel by copying ResultPanel
+ Changed CE to PF

+ Added parseOutputPFFile in
+ Added to keep the tempplate of Platform

+ Added creating pf.xls in

+ Changed OutputData in Platform to add information to the file

+ Added code in endsimulation in BionetPlatform

Progress 1/22/05

Platform take a first breath()
Platform can replicate to other node.
Platform can be dead

Gui update to Platform

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Progress 1/21/05

- Initial Platform to simulator
Deploy platform with pf file
Platform GUI on network panel
Platform gains energy from agent
- Agent needs platform to work on. (by changing migration behaviors)

Added Files
- //Main platform
- //contains platform's behaviors / extends Platform

Changed file
- Control // Added platform GUI to access .pl file
- //added details of platform in the node

- //Added platform details numPF, getPF()


Tuesday, January 18, 2005


- Register for CS696
- Get CS620 Exam back A

Simulator Done:
- Add Platform to the first page,
I will add platform config to the simulator for setting
Initiate platform, energy, which nodes

Monday, January 17, 2005

My progress 9-16 Jan

1. Commented Yan's document
2. Submitted first drafted of related work
3. Revised sci05 paper section 1-3.
4. Submitted simulation plan revise#35. Simulation program
+ added static node 4x4
I am doing:
1. Simulation programming
2. revise sci05 paper section 4
3. lay out simulation section in the paper
4. Prepare to present next Monday "paper eading presentation"
5. Add comment to Yan's Document

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Progress 1/15/05

- Powerpoint structure of agent and platform
- revise sci05 paper (done in agent part)

Thursday, January 13, 2005

My Progress 1/13/05

1. Review and correct sci05 paper. (4.00am)
- Add figure 3,4 agent and platform structure.
- Change word "regular behaviors" to "behaviors"
- Change word "symbitic behaviors" to "symbiotic mechanisms"
- For now, each agent consists of four parts: attributes, body, behaviors, and symbiotic mechanisms.
- Add healthy table part with example table
- Add some paragraph to describe symbiotic mechanisms in high level concept.
- Lay out the related work but NOT FINISH


On Thursday, I will not be available after 3pm

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

My Progress 1/12/05

Kuitar departed to Bkk at 11.00 AM.
I am alone and have nothing to do but hard work.

Done: (7.00pm)

  1. Read related paper

“Dealing with ghosts managing the user experience of autonomic
computing”, D.M. Russell, R.P. Maglio, R. Dordick, C. Neti, IBM
Systems Journal 42, No. 1, 177-188, 2003

“Enabling Autonomic Behavior in Systems Software with Hot
Swapping,” J. Appavoo, K. Hui, C. A. N. Soules, R. W. Wisniewski,
D. M. Da Silva, O. Krieger, M. A. Auslander, D. J. Edelsohn, B.
Gamsa, G. R. Ganger, P. McKenney, M. Ostrowski, B. Rosenburg,
M. Stumm, and J. Xenidis, IBM Systems Journal 42, No. 1, 60-76,

  • I 've found the web site
    The future of Computing, pervasive, autonomic, grid computing.
    78-page book. It is easy to read for beginner.
  • I listed the related papers that I've read. They are about 10s in my list right now.

2. Start Writing lay out of related work.

3. Simulation (Done at 11pm)
Add simulator to Eclipse, run test,
Change button picture icon
Read the manual.

- Add network topology to 4x4 Static Done at 11.45pm
- Add one more type of agent (to be platform in the future)

My First night in the campus, no where to go.

Monday, January 10, 2005

My Progress 1/10/05

- Read realated paper about pervasive network +2

- Add more in reveiw paper power point about
- Autonomic computing

Search and read these papers, about resource management in dynamic network

- C. Ragusa, A. Liotta, and G. Pavlou. Dynamic resource management for mobile services. In The 5th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA’03), 2003.
- L. Ismail and D. Hagimont. A performance evaluation of the mobile agent paradigm. In the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 306–313, 1999.
- Robert S. Gray et al. Mobile-agent versus client/server performance: Scalability in an information-retrieval task. In The 5th International Conference on Mobile Agents(MA2001), pages 229–243, 2001.
- Zakaria Maamar, Quan Z. Sheng, and Boualem Benatallah. On composite web services provisioning in an environment of fixed and mobile computing resources. Information Technology and Management, , Kulwar Academic Publishers,, 5(3), 2004.

Write Paper
- Revise sci05 Paper
  1. Add "healthy table maintain"
  2. Write simulation plan
  3. Write lay out related work

- Program

- Add one type of static network

Saturday, January 08, 2005

My Progress 1/9/05

  • Reading paper and revised version 1
  • Reading realated papers
  • - Autonomic Computing x 3 Papers
  • Study some part of Simulation
  • Submit comment for simulation document (Yan's document)
Admin work
  • Got fist payment
  • Applied for TA (cs446: internetworking)

Nest Task (not done)
  • Simulation document comment on the file
  • Update PPT paper review
  • Revise main document (sci005 document)
  • + Add realate work
  • + Simulation Plan
  • Write Code
+ simulation code
I'll add one more agent call platform so we will have regular agent and platform agent.
Then, I will write some code to let regular agent require platform agent to work on the host first.
The platform agent works as platform entity in my research. Therefore, we can simulate and get some result from this idea.
The problems, this is not totally true as we plan in the research. But it save the times and it is good step to be samiliar with the Java programming. The next step we can change the place of platform service code to be in the platform agent.

+ Document
I have to write related work and simulation as soon as possible. The first version should be finished before this Tuesday!